Make sure your business is governed well

New Zealand is the easiest country in the world to set up a company (World Bank research). Sadly very few businesses understand their obligations as a director.

Most business owners are the shareholder, director and employee - each role has different requirements.

In considering the governance of your business, have you considered the following?

  • What is the future strategy for the business?

  • How will that strategy be delivered?

  • Do you understand your health and safety obligations as a director?

  • What other significant risks do you as the business face?

  • Are your personal assets protected?

  • Who do you turn to for advice on these big questions?

  • Who challenges your thinking and gaps in your plans?

The above defines the roles of governance in business, whether a solo business owner or a large corporate governance is needed - how it may be delivered may be very different

To find out more about our Governing your business well and how we can help you - contact us today.

Find out more with a free, no-obligation meeting

If you’d like to find out how we might be able to help you in your specific situation, we offer a free, no-obligation meeting. Simply fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.